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February 18th, 2014

In the manufacturing industry, Value Engineering is a term that is familiar and important but not always achievable, easy, or often utilized. Simply put, the primary focus of Value Engineering is assuring that the greatest functionality is delivered for the least cost or expense, in order to maximize value. When a manufacturing company can provide […]

February 4th, 2014

Located in the heart of the midlands of Columbia, South Carolina, Colite International is a company largely focused on multi-location global projects in the signage industry. With the majority of Colite’s work based internationally, one might wonder if Colite still manufactures or installs signage locally, here in SC. The answer would be, absolutely. As a […]

January 24th, 2014

When a company decides to launch a new brand, spin off to a new company, combine brands, or completely scrap their old brand for a revision, there are many factors and obstacles to consider. One major factor that usually doesn’t come to mind is signage. Whether you are a retailer, a corporation, or a hospitality […]